Proventus PLM
Powerful Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) System
Manages documentation of your product life cycle in one place
Is your engineering data managed to your satisfaction including graphical information?

PLM & Engineering
Proventus PLM provides an answer of central management for all product data and includes the following modules:
Product File Management
Revision and Designation Management
AVL Management
Design wizards and tools
Component Eng. support
It also provides the following tools: “Where Used” and Product tree expansion.

Product File Management
Archive Management of Product Documents, including drawings, assembly instructions, testing instructions, etc.
Documents are managed per revision per product.

AVL Management
Management approved list of components to assembly (same component produced by several manufacturers)

PrView is designed to provide easy GUI for PCB view and analysis with electronic schema:
View of PCB design based on common CAD formats
View of all layers, pads, nets, vias, components etc
Search for components nets pins etc
Trace nets leading to/from selected nodes in one or multiple layers
Highlight all components connected to specified net
Link in bi-direction to PCBs electronic schema (PDF)
View Gerber and DXF formats

Revision and Designation Management
Status Management per Revision (freeze, plan, release to obtain provisions, release to production)
Full examination to any Reference Designation that prevents its duplicate and non - compliance of quantity.
Reference Designation is integrated part of BOM

Design wizards and tools
Updating BOM through Reference Designation

"Where Used"

Eng. Change Analysis
Workflow for ECN/ECO review and approval
Calculating the cost of materials change
ECO Email distribution

Support Component Eng.
Helps locate components based on their attributes to component engineers

Product tree explosion

Central Product Data Management
AVL Management
Component Eng.
"Where Used"
Business benefits
No information lost
Lower production costs
Higher productivity