Sophisticated viewer for NPI use
View any ECAD, Gerber or DXF
Do you have different ECAD files and you do not which views to use in order to view them?
PrView is the answer.
PrView software for integrated circuit uses linked views of schematic PDF, any PCB CAD and BOM files. PrView can also open Gerber and DXF files.

Sophisticated viewer for NPI use
Competitively prices, PrView is designed to provide an easy GUI for PCB viewing and analysis via electronic schema :
View of PCB design based on common CAD formats
View of all layers, pads, nets, vias, components etc.
Search for components nets pins etc.
Trace nets leading to/from selected nodes in one or multiple layers
Highlight all components connected to specified net
Link in bi-direction to PCBs electronic schema (PDF)
View Gerber and DXF formats.
Built using latest programming tools (Microsoft .Net C#) and graphical techniques (OpenGL), PrView provides a rich set of functions for data integration:
Locate components, nets etc. on the PDF scheme by name and pin
Select items on the PDF scheme and locate the corresponding item on the PCB cad with a single click
Display of all IC data including components, nets, vias, test points etc.
Zooming, panning etc. at a very high speed
Search for components, nets etc. by name and pin
Calculate and highlight net trace throughout all layers, including all components connected to specified net
Highlight 2 (or more) net traces to assist in shorts investigation
Display PDF electronic schema - linked by component or net
CAD Format Support
Proventus PrView supports most leading CAD formats including Mentor (Neutral/Expedition), Veribest, PADS, Cadence Allegro (ASCII/Binary), PCAD (PDIF), GENCAD, ODB++, ACCEL/TANGO, Zucken CADStar, IPC-D-356, Fabmaster and others as built in features with no addinional cost.
Proventus PrView can view Gerber and DXF.
This is of particular importance for EMS companies that can use standard CAD files without having to invest in additional costly viewers or converters.

Figure 1. PCB and Schema View
BOM File Import
Proventus PrView supports synchronizing BOM and CAD files using catalog numbers. This feature enables the user to have an accurate view of the manufactured PCB reflecting the latest ECOs for the specific option or variation of the PCB.
Proventus PrView demonstrates high performance and rich functionality together with wide CAD format, Gerber and DXF support.
Proventus PrView Supports a wide range of BOM structures
Business benefits
Competitively priced in comparison toexisting tools
Helps to analyze PCB structure for production price